Fondamenti di VideoNistagmoScopia: il nistagmo evocato da manovre oculari-scuotimento del capo-vibrazione-stimolo pressorio-iperventilazione

Event time 18:00 (CEST)
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Fondamenti di VideoNistagmoScopia: il nistagmo evocato da manovre oculari-scuotimento del capo-vibrazione-stimolo pressorio-iperventilazione

Webinar Academia 26 Ottobre 2023

In collaborazione con la Società Italiana di Vestibologia (VIS) della quale è presidente il Prof. Augusto Pietro Casani, siamo lieti di annunciare il terzo appuntamento del corso Fondamenti di Videonistagmoscopia.
Un’opportunità unica di approcciarsi ad un campo in continua evoluzione che merita un elevato livello di approfondimento.

A proseguire le indagini di bedside vestibolare introdotte dal Dr. Martellucci e dal Dr. Armato, riguardanti le caratteristiche di un nistagmo spontaneo e gli aspetti fisiopatologici del riflesso vestibolo-oculomotore, il Dr. Balzanelli illustrerà alcune tecniche per evocare o slatentizzare il nistagmo di un paziente vertiginoso. Manovre oculari, scuotimento del capo, iperventilazione, vibrazione, test pressorio sono alcune tematiche che verranno trattate, con l’intento di porre alcuni fondamenti diagnostici nel complesso iter valutativo di un paziente vertiginoso. Verranno presentati video esemplificativi, con riferimenti di fisiopatologia vestibolare e clinici, nell’intento di arricchire il bagaglio culturale e l’esperienza di ogni singolo discente.

Icon Speaker

Cristiano Balzanelli

Cristiano Balzanelli is currently Referent of the Vertigo Centre at the San Bernardino Outpatient Clinic in Salò (BS), where he has been working full-time since 2020. He graduated and specialised in ENT at the University of Brescia in the field of oncological and functional laryngeal pathology, but from 2002 to 2020 he worked as a Medical Director at the ENT UOC of the Brescia Civil Hospital, as Referent of the Audio-Vestibology Service. From 2010 to 2019, he acted as Tutor and contract ENT Lecturer for the Lombardy Region General Medicine Training Course. Since 2016, he has been a Member of the VIS National Board of Directors and has been its Secretary since October 2021. Since 2010, he has carried out scientific activities as a Speaker at Congresses, Courses, Conferences, Masters, FAD, Readings and Lectures, as Author of articles in scientific journals and as Reviewer of articles on Audiological and Vestibular subjects of local, national and international character. 

Dr Enrico Armato

Enrico Armato

ENT physician

Enrico Armato was ENT medical director at ULSS3 Veneto Region. He has over 35 years of experience as an ENT specialist, with a focus on neck surgery. His true passion is otoneurology. For many years, he has been interested in the functional assessment of vertiginous patients. He is author of the book 'The Video Head Impulse Test - Theoretical and practical aspects' and co-author of numerous articles in national and international literature. He is also a contract professor with the University of Padua, Department of Neuroscience, Degree Course in Audiometric Techniques. Enrico has been collaborating with Inventis for several years and he is a reference figure for everything related to the vestibular world.


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