APR 2023 ● AAA 2023 + HearTECH Expo

The 2023 American Academy of Audiology Annual conference + HearTECH Expo will take place from April 19 to 22 at the Seattle Convention Center-Arch Building, downtown Seattle at 705 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101.
The conference is the perfect opportunity to keep up with the changes in the world of audiology. Here you can learn about the latest developments in this field, strengthen your knowledge and meet countless professionals in this area.
Inventis will be exhibiting at this edition as well, ready to showcase its innovative Augiology and Balance Equipment at booth #322.
This year's focus will be our brand-new Wireless Video-Frenzel System: SYNAPSYS Video-Scope, our solution for eye movement visualization and analysis, suitable for both diagnostic and rehabilitation purposes.
Moreover, during the AAA Learning Lab of Wednesday 19 April, you will have the opportunity to learn about the Inventis Trumpet REM system and its ease of use for the Verification process with Keeley Moore, Aud.
We look forward to meeting you in Seattle!